
far zone中文是什么意思

  • 远区



  • 例句与用法
  • Thirdly , one numerical stimulation method - fdtd ( fmite - difference time - domain ) and the transformation of near zone to far zone are introduced , and then the program is verified
    接着介绍了时域有限差分法( fdtd )及其近场到远场的变换公式,并对自编的fdtd计算程序进行了验证。
  • Using the simulation program , far zone radiation of tem - horn array is analyzed . the result of analysis proved that the mutual coupling between elements of array did not affect the main radiation wave of very much
  • In order to validate the feasibility of the novel algorithm , ultrawide band pulse wave is used as incident wave . computational domains are limited by absorbing boundary condition . the transformation technique from near zone to far zone is used when the sampling spot is outside of the computational domains
  • The conformal microstrip antenna with some unique character has been applied in many fields , especialy on speedy objects . in this paper , an efficient fdtd algorithm is introduced to analyse the microstrip antenna . firstly , the fdtd formula in descartes coordinate system and in cylindrical coordinate system are obtained from the time _ dependent maxwell equations using the yee algorithm in a calculating region where the dielectric parameters are independent of time and space . the choice of the space discretization units and the time discretization interval are discussed which are decided by the accuracy and stability respectively . the shape and setup of the excitation source are discussed too . the excitation source is chosen to be gaussian pulse in shape . secondly , the mur ' s first - order and second - order boundary condition are deduced in cylindrical coordinate system . the methods of transforming radiation fields from near zone to far zone in the frequency domain and in the time domain are presented when fdtd is applied to analyse the characteristics of far zone . finally , three kinds of microstrip antennas are analysed . they are a slot antenna that lies on a plane ground of a microstrip , a slot antenna that lies on a cylindrical ground of a microstrip and a microstrip line _ fed aperture coupled stacked rectangular patch antenna in cylindrical coordinate system
  • 其他语种释义
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far zone的中文翻译,far zone是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译far zone,far zone的中文意思,far zone的中文far zone in Chinesefar zone的中文far zone怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
